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Montebearo.Discourse.ActorInfo : ScriptableObject, IVariableProvider, IStringDropdownElement

Public Static Fields

Field Type Description
NARRATOR ActorInfo Returns an ActorInfo that should be used to reference a “Narrator” character (for special styling in dialogue text).

Public Properties

Property Returns Description
Id string A unique identifier used to reference this Actor in a name-agnostic way.
FullName string A formatted version of this character’s full title; ‘[Title] [Forename] [Surname]’. If no Title is specified, it will be stripped to leave just ‘[Forname] [Surname]’.
Forename string Returns the character’s forename, as specified in the inspector.
Surname string Returns the character’s surname, as specified in the inspector.
Title string Returns the character’s title, as specified in the inspector (e.g. ‘Dr.’).
TitledSurname string Returns the character’s title and surname in the format ‘[Title] [Surname]’, or just surname if no title is specified.
NickName string Returns the character’s nickname, as specified in the inspector. If none is specified, will return the Forename.
GenderId string The Id reference associated with this character’s Gender.
Gender Gender The full Gender reference as specified in the inspector.
Actor Actor Retrieves an instance of an Actor component registered with this ActorInfo’s Id at runtime.

Public Methods

Method Returns Description
Flag(string flagName, bool addIfNotFound) Flag Retrieves a Flag variable in this ActorInfo’s variable collection with the key ‘flagName’. If ‘addIfNotFound’ is set to true and no variable was found with that key, a new Flag with this key will be added to the collection (this should usually be set to true). Returns the default value if not found.
Float(string floatName, bool addIfNotFound) Float Retrieves a Float variable in this ActorInfo’s variable collection with the key ‘floatName’. If ‘addIfNotFound’ is set to true and no variable was found with that key, a new Float with this key will be added to the collection (this should usually be set to true). Returns the default value if not found.
Int(string intName, bool addIfNotFound) Int Retrieves an Int variable in this ActorInfo’s variable collection with the key ‘intName’. If ‘addIfNotFound’ is set to true and no variable was found with that key, a new Int with this key will be added to the collection (this should usually be set to true). Returns the default value if not found.
String(string stringName, bool addIfNotFound) String Retrieves a String variable in this ActorInfo’s variable collection with the key ‘stringName’. If ‘addIfNotFound’ is set to true and no variable was found with that key, a new String with this key will be added to the collection (this should usually be set to true). Returns the default value if not found.
SetPortrait(string portraitId, Sprite portrait) void Set the Sprite value of the Portrait listed on this ActorInfo with the Id ‘portraitId’.
GetPortrait(string portraitId, bool defaultIfNotFound) Sprite Returns the stored portrait Sprite with the Id ‘portraitId’. If ‘defaultIfNotFound’ is set to true, returns the first portrait sprite found on this ActorInfo, otherwise returns null.
AnimationName(string animationId) string Attempts to return the name of an animation clip stored in this ActorInfo’s RuntimeAnimatorController with the Id ‘animationId’.
Names / Reference    
SetForename(string forename) void Set’s the character’s forename value.
SetSurname(string surname) void Set’s the character’s surname value.
SetNickname(string nickname) void Set’s the character’s nickName value.
SetTitle(string title) void Set’s the character’s title value.
SetGender(string genderId) void Set’s the character’s gender (Id) value.
SetRuntimeReference(Actor actor) void Stores a reference to the character’s runtime Actor component.
DebugId() void Logs this ActorInfo’s FullName and Id to the console, for debugging purposes.
NewID() void Forces this ActorInfo’s Id to regenerate. Note: calling this can be very dangerous, as it will break all existing references to this Actor, use with caution.